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Gumball3000 2010 is on!

Today the cars started their 3000 long rally towards New York from London. Lots of press, celebrities and people gathered around the Pall Mall street  in London for the start.

Above: Many celebrities are in this years rally, and the press has a ball!

Above: Standing beside a guy who is filming the start.

Above: The two biggest celebrities in this years rally is probably Maximillion Cooper (founder of Gumball 3000) and Xzibit.

Above:  Maximillion`s car standing in front of the waiting car pool of supercars. He will be the first to start the 2010 Gumball rally.

Above: And they are off starting the 3000 mile long rally from London to New York. Amsterdam next. Godspeed!

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Filed under Gumball 3000 - 2010, News, Travel