Tag Archives: dreams


I just saw the film, Inception. The one with Leonardo DiCaprio. Everybody I talked with about the film who had seen it, rated it as one of the best movies they have seen. The idea seemed intriguing enough;  “exploring the idea of people sharing a dream space — entering a dream space and sharing a dream. That gives you the ability to access somebody’s unconscious mind. What would that be used and abused for?”

Well, after I have seen it I`m not that convinced really. The idea is great but I sat during the movie and felt constantly that they could have done so much more. The makers instead tried to fill the movie up with too much irrelevant stuff, even the action sequences began to be a bit much. And the movie was too long – or seemed too long. They were exploring ways to make more than one movies in one, instead of exploring the various opportunities that Nolan came up with for the script.

I guess I have to agree with A.O. Scott’s review for The New York Times, where he wrote, “But though there is a lot to see in Inception, there is nothing that counts as genuine vision. Mr. Nolan’s idea of the mind is too literal, too logical, too rule-bound to allow the full measure of madness”.

I enjoyed the ending which correlated with the beginning, very “DiCaprio-like” I guess. But if you want to wrap your head around another one like this, but with a twist you should really check out Dogtooth.

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